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Dog thinks she is the Mother of these Baby Goats and can’t stop Cuddling them!


This reaction of this Golden Retriever to these cute  little goats.
Dog is just naturally a cuddler, retrievers are happy when touching their person so I imagine this dog is delerious.

Loryn is a golden retriever who believes that she is the mother of a few rescued baby goats who arrived at her human owner’s farm.

Absolutely precious 

Since this doggo spends a lot of time with the farm animals she is quite used to these sights. Loryn shows her love for all the animals residing on the farm and does not hesitate to take on the role of a mother when it comes to baby animals.

Dogs are very compassionate loving animals!

Andrea Holley, Loryn’s human momma share: She is truly a mother hen and takes in every baby we have as her own.

Beautiful connection between these animal’s…

As soon as the goats arrived at the farm Loryn began to treat them as her own and took them under her wing. These babies were able to take the golden retriever’s motherly extent to a whole new level.

That little girl has the cutest smile!

Now the doggo and baby goats are inseparable and do everything together. Since goats are loving and easygoing animals they instantly fell in love with the golden retriever. They are together all day, every day.

Such Very Precious Loving Furry Angels 

They enjoy cuddling together, napping together, and chasing each other around the farm. Loryn is protective of her babies 24/7 and does not take her eyes off the playful youngsters.

This is so sweet and what a special dog.

Andrea said: The doggo acts as a right-hand man and assists in corralling the babies whenever they are outside and even rounds them up when they are playing inside.

Goats are the cutest babies on earth! ♥

She has that sort of patience because she is that breed ♥️♥️
The animals can get along why are humans have so much trouble????
Too bad humans can’t be as compassionate with people who are different than they are.

Pray that the baby goats never get separated from Loryn.

Pup Abandoned On A Parking Lot Did Not Move An Inch Because She Hoped Her Family Would Come Back


A heartbreaking story comes from Southern California, where a tiny gray-and-white dog was spotted lying in a school parking lot next to the school’s shrubs. 

She was waiting for her family who abandoned her to come back, refusing to leave that very spot, and hiding from anyone who wanted to help her.

Weeks went by, but no one claimed this dog, nor did anyone come back for her. She was all alone in this world, still not realizing that her previous owners are no longer her family…

Little Doggo Girl Was Inclined To Wait For Her Hoomans To Come Back

the dog sits on the street and waits
source: @logans_legacy29 

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Despite the fact that no one came back for her for fifteen days, this little dog girl refused to budge from the parking lot shrubs. She was inclined to wait for as much as she needed to for her family to come back.

a dog sits by the sidewalk and waits for its owner
Source: @logans_legacy29 

Many people tried to help her, sharing her photos online in hopes of finding her family, but no one ever claimed her. And, even when someone would try to approach her directly, she’d always hide, until one day, a woman named Suzette Hall came by.

Suzette Made Sure The Dog Got A Fresh Start

the dog is waiting for his family
Source: @logans_legacy29 

Suzette is the founder of the Logan’s Legacy animal rescue in Irvine, California. When she came across the dog’s story, she had no doubts about helping her. Suzette drove herself to the school and searched for this doggo.

“For 15 days, there she was in the morning, afternoon, and then the night. Neighbors tried to help her, but she was too scared. I know she believed if she stayed there, they would come back for her. Loyal little girl,” she wrote. 

As she was extremely fearful and shy, Suzette decided to set a humane trap with a hot dog in it. Even though this pup wasn’t exactly starved as she was fed by kibble, Suzette chose the right food to lure her in!

When she finally got her, the doggo girl was frightened and panicky, but she eventually calmed down and fell asleep in Suzette’s car. She decided to name the dog “Scarlet”.

the dog sits in the cage with a sad look
source: @logans_legacy29

She drove her to Camino Pet Hospital, in Irvine, California, for a checkup. Scarlet got all the care she needed, and got cleared up for a new foster home. Soon after she was picked up by Suzette, this little dog got a foster family with a bunch of other siblings to play with.

Little Scarlet Is Seeking A Furever Home

cute shaggy dog
Source: The Dodo

Even though she’s now happy in a new foster home, Scarlet’s still seeking for her furever family. This lovable dog is easy-going, affectionate, and she pretty much gets along with everyone she meets.

Adapting to a new family is definitely not going to be a problem for Scarlet, as she’s naturally a sweet doggo with great social skills!

Suzette has one condition for the future family who decides to adopt Scarlet, though – it has to be someone who will never, ever leave her again! 

Scarlet being abandoned once again under some tree is simply inadmissible, and Suzette hopes she will finally learn what true love looks like. We wish for little Scarlet to find her pawfect home as soon as possible!

Loyal Dog Guarded His House Even Though He Had Been Abandoned 2 Years Ago


While reading stories about dogs, I am constantly reminded of just how loyal and sweet they are to we humans, even when we don’t deserve it.

What’s shocking about this is that there are many owners who will treat their dog with some sort of decency, but will abandon them in the end.

The pup doesn’t know or understand what happened to him. Most of them are so loyal that the idea of abandonment is something they can’t understand.

They hope their owner will come back. That’s what happened to this sweet dog. He was abandoned by his owner and left in their old house, but he never left, even when he had the chance.

Rescuers Are On Their Way

people approaching abandoned dog
Source: YouTube

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It was only thanks to his neighbors that this sweet pooch was able to survive after his owner abandoned him in the old house. 

They came to feed him every day and it was because of them that he was healthy. The neighbors thought about just taking the dog, but then they learned something shocking.

When they actually tried to take the dog and help him, they realized that he didn’t want to leave. In his mind, he was still hoping that his owner would come back, and he needed to guard the house.

He spent two years like this. His neighbors visited him daily and took care of all his needs, but he needed more.

When his health started deteriorating, the neighbors knew that they had to call for help. They contacted many local organizations, but only one group responded.

abandoned dog in the woods
Source: YouTube

The rescuers came quickly and were able to transfer him to the vehicle and take him to the clinic. As expected, this did not go well.

He was angry that he was forced to abandon his house, but it was the only thing his rescuers could do. He needed medical help.

The test results came back and they determined that he had Guillain–Barré syndrome. It’s a very rare immune system disorder.

It causes muscle weakness and paralysis. The veterinarians’ prognosis was that this dog’s condition would only get worse and there was little they could do.

Dedik Is A Miracle

woman and abanoned dog
Source: YouTube

The dog only has about one and a half years left, so his rescuers want to give him the best time possible. They noticed that he liked playing in the snow, but there was sadness in him.

Being abandoned was the worst thing that happened to him. The neighbors feel awful for not being able to help him, but the vet treatment was just too expensive for them.

His veterinarians also learned that he has cystitis, prostatitis, and diabetes. The only thing that could help him at that moment was the medications, so they treated him.

close-up photo of dog lying on grass
Source: YouTube

One of the rescuers took the dog, now named Dedik, to her home. While there, he will have a comfortable bed, good food, and the company of other dogs with whom he can play on occasion.

But, Dedik grew rather unhappy in the house, so his rescuer moved him into a cabin in the yard and gave him a lot of space to roam around. This changed him a lot.

He was happier outside, and the rescuer didn’t want to change this. Soon, though, he would return to the house, but it was clear that he liked to have his alone time every once in a while.

three dogs lying together
Source: YouTube

Dedik was doing surprisingly well. Even though his prognosis was not great, he is still with his rescuer and looks happy to finally be with someone amazing.

While he will never forget his first owner, his rescuer made the decision to care for him, and you can just tell that he is so grateful to her for everything. I am so happy to see that. 


Girl uses Birthday Mo.ney to save 14 a.bAn.doned Kittens…!


What a wonderful, kind, thoughtful, l,ovely girl to do what she did with her birthday mo.ney.
Congratulations to your parents for raising an exceptional young woman! 

Thanks for being in this world! She must have a wonderful parents who has taught her to love!
Lucinda, 13, was riding home last week when five [a.bAn.doned] kittens appeared in front of her. Then another nine showed up. So she hatched a plan to save them…

She said: They were so cute. I didn’t want to leave them, they looked so fo.rlorn and lo.st. It was raining so I ran home to get a laundry basket to collect them.
She returned to scoop up the kittens when another nine ran up to her. With 14 kittens in her care, Lucinda called “Lort Smith Animal Hos.pital” and was encouraged to bring them in.

Image: David Caird

She said: It was my birthday a few weeks ago and someone gave me ($.50) so I used it for a taxi to take the kittens into Lort Smith.
The tiny kittens will now be va.cci.nated, desexed and mic.rochi.pped before they are found caring new homes. 
THANK YOU for being such a caring, generous and lovely young woman! And thank You so much for your loving kindness!

May you and the adorable kittens share a lifetime of love and happiness! ♥️

God bless for looking after them 

Adorable Stray Dog Crashes Wedding Ceremony And Steals The Whole Show


Most people believe that wedding crashers are highly unwelcome visitors, but this amazing story might just turn our perspective around! 

Why, you ask?

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time you meet the pawesomest wedding crasher ever – Caramelo! This amazing doggo crashed a random couple’s wedding, and he ended up being the wedding’s hit!

Caramelo mingled among the guests like it wasn’t a big deal, and when the time came – he stood by the door to give the newly-married couple a special gift – his warm hugs and kisses!

And then, the most amazing thing happened…

The Pawfect Wedding Crasher

dog sleeps at church
Source: @caramelodejesus

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Tamíris Muzini, the interior designer, and her fiance, Douglas Robert, always loved the idea of getting a dog, and it seems that destiny heard their wishes right at the perfect time!

Caramelo, a stray, injured dog, came out of nowhere that day. Muzini and Douglas were about to say their wedding vows to each other in a local church when this amazing boi crashed the ceremony.

He entered the church and mingled around the assembled crowd like it was the most casual thing. Then, he laid on the floor and peacefully watched the ceremony unfold. 

It was as if he knew what was going to happen next, so the dog soon stood up and waited for the couple at the door.

And then, it happened!

Greeting Newlyweds At The Door

bride and groom with dog
Source: @caramelodejesus

When Muzini and Douglas stepped out of the church, Caramelo was the first one to congratulate them! He approached the newlyweds with so much enthusiasm and a wagging tail, and started giving him the warmest hugs ever!

The couple was very overjoyed to see the dog attending their wedding ceremony, and they just couldn’t stay immune to how sweet he was. 

dog jumping on bride and groom
Source: @caramelodejesus

The adorable encounter was captured by a wedding photographer, and it soon made headlines all over the world!

This moment of total sweetness captured the couple’s heart. For a few seconds there, the dog stood on his hind legs, as if he was trying to say: “Take me with you, hoomans! I belong with you!”

Muzini and Douglas immediately decided to adopt Caramelo. They just knew that he was meant to be a part of their new family, so they took him in and welcomed him into their new home.

Caramelo was thrilled to embark on a new life journey with his new pawrents! It was as if he was their family the whole time, as he just felt so comfy around his new owners.

The Ideal Family Member

happy couple with dog on the beach
Source: @caramelodejesus

It didn’t take long for Caramelo to completely adapt to the new life. Judging from his sore nose and his injured paw, he didn’t have such a glamorous start in life, but all that was about to change.

Tamiris and Douglas subjected him to treatment, and in just a few short months, Caramelo was a brand-new dog.

“About to complete 1 year of marriage, we realized that there really is no Douglas without Tamiris, Tamiris without Douglas and neither one without Caramelo,” they wrote on Caramelo’s official Instagram.

family with dog posing
Source: @caramelodejesus

Today, this trio lives the best life together. Caramelo embarks on new adventures with his pawrents on a daily basis, and he just can’t get enough of them!

He’s such a sweet and energetic dog that enjoys every single thing about his life. And, if we can say one thing with certainty, it’s that Caramelo definitely would not change a thing! Once a stray dog with a rough past, he’s now the family’s dearest companion!

Drone Captures Heartwarming Moment When A Blind, Lost Dog Finally Meets Her Owner Again

Drone Captures Heartwarming Moment When A Blind, Lost Dog Finally Meets Her Owner Again

It is not without reason that a dog is called man’s best friend. The love and loyalty these furry creatures have for their favorite people are sometimes beyond words.

However, the depth of the bond between a dog and its owner becomes most evident when the dog is no longer there. When our best friend crosses the rainbow bridge, we can do nothing but grieve. Yet, when a dog is lost, we will go to great lengths to find them.

This is precisely what one owner did when his blind family dog went missing. He spared no effort to locate him, and when they were finally reunited, it was the most beautiful moment — one that was even captured with a drone.  

The Absolute Joy Of Reunion

A man petting a black dog in a field
Source: WeLoveAnimals

An 11-year-old dog named Molly disappeared on Friday, October 20, 2024, from the family farm. Her desperate owner, Mike Herridge, did everything in his power to find her but it was all in vain. 

That was until he and his daughter, Natalie, hired a rescue drone company to find her. After three days missing, the drone located a dog on a huge field. As soon as Mike got the call, he rushed to that place to see if it could be his Molly. 

When he arrived and got out of his car, he saw that it was indeed her. He happily ran toward her, but as she was blind, she couldn’t know at first that it was her favorite person.

a man finds a black blind dog
Source: WeLoveAnimals

Yet, as soon as she smelled him, her tail started wagging uncontrollably out of the joy of being close to her beloved daddy. 

After he petted her for a few moments, they went to the car together and she was soon on her way to where she belonged. 

A man carries a dog in his arms towards a car
Source: WeLoveAnimals

The drone captured this beautiful moment of reunion and the heartwarming video soon captured numerous hearts on the Internet. 

Tense Search With The Happiest Ending

After Molly got lost, Mike and his family weren’t so optimistic that they would ever see her again. 

“To be honest, I didn’t think we were going to find her alive. I started looking in ditches or holes she could’ve fallen into. She’s completely blind and isn’t particularly mobile.” Mike said in his interview for Daily Mail

a black blind dog lies on the laminate
Source: Daily Mail

However, they did not want to give up, and soon, his oldest daughter, Natalie, came up with an idea. She contacted Drone To Homea rescue organization that searches for missing dogs by using a drone

It soon turned out that it was a great idea as it did not take more than two hours for the drone to locate the pooch. 

a black dog is walking along the road
Source: Daily Mail

“I was standing near the drone operator who said ‘I think I might’ve found your dog”, so I looked on his screen and said, ”Yep that’s her!’” Mike happily stated, adding: “When she heard my voice she started jumping around like a puppy. I held her and thought, ‘I can’t believe I’m picking you up right now.’”

Finally, Drone To Home CEO, Phil James, also expressed his satisfaction with the happy ending, stating that he “don’t get emotional very often,” but that this moment brought tears to his eyes.

In the end, he said that he is very happy that his company is bringing joy to dog owners every day, just like it did to Mike and his family as well as their dogs.

two dogs lying next to each other
Source: Daily Mail

“We receive on average about 40 calls and messages a day through our virtual call center and we have 11 trained volunteers that answer the phones,” he said. “We all love what we do and have the best job in the world.”

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