Girl uses Birthday Mo.ney to save 14 a.bAn.doned Kittens…!


What a wonderful, kind, thoughtful, l,ovely girl to do what she did with her birthday mo.ney.
Congratulations to your parents for raising an exceptional young woman! 

Thanks for being in this world! She must have a wonderful parents who has taught her to love!
Lucinda, 13, was riding home last week when five [a.bAn.doned] kittens appeared in front of her. Then another nine showed up. So she hatched a plan to save them…

She said: They were so cute. I didn’t want to leave them, they looked so fo.rlorn and It was raining so I ran home to get a laundry basket to collect them.
She returned to scoop up the kittens when another nine ran up to her. With 14 kittens in her care, Lucinda called “Lort Smith Animal Hos.pital” and was encouraged to bring them in.

Image: David Caird

She said: It was my birthday a few weeks ago and someone gave me ($.50) so I used it for a taxi to take the kittens into Lort Smith.
The tiny kittens will now be va.cci.nated, desexed and mic.rochi.pped before they are found caring new homes. 
THANK YOU for being such a caring, generous and lovely young woman! And thank You so much for your loving kindness!

May you and the adorable kittens share a lifetime of love and happiness! ♥️

God bless for looking after them 


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