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Rescue Dog Rolls To His New Home In A Luxury Limo After 2-Year Wait In His Kennel

Rescue Dog Rolls To His New Home In A Luxury Limo After 2-Year Wait In His Kennel

“Dreams do come true” is an expression that we can often hear in movies or read in books, especially if it is about some fairy tales. It is precisely for this reason that many people are skeptical when they hear it and think that it is a product of someone’s embellished reality.

Although this may sometimes be the case, there are also plenty of positive examples where we witness exactly that – the fulfillment of one’s dreams despite all the difficulties. 

Today’s story is one such example, and it begins with a dog who found himself in such a desperate situation at one point that he was on the verge of survival. 

However, despite all the hardships, he managed to emerge from the darkness and shine in his full glory. 

From The Bottom To The Stars

Dog in a mess
Source: Euclid Pet Pals

When the employees of Euclid Pet Pals, located in Euclid, Ohio, received a call from a concerned citizen about dogs abandoned within a house, they could not even imagine what would await them there. 

As soon as they got to that place, their hearts broke when they saw 4 dogs in a desperate state. According to the Euclid Pet Pals Facebook postthey were neglected and left there without food or water for one week

Although all four dogs were in bad condition, the only male in the house, whom they named Chester, was the most critical. He was chained to the window and could hardly move, which had terrible consequences for him.

“Chester was completely skin and bones; the dog couldn’t even lay down. He had his paw stuck in a prong collar, and he was a mess. He had to be carried out after a little bit because he could not stand,” Kyrie Brickman, Ohio’s Euclid Animal Shelter manager, told FOX News 8

dog on a purple leash
Source: Euclid Pet Pals

However, as soon as he saw people and finally felt a humane hug, the smile immediately returned to his face. When they saw this, his saviors were sure that this dog would meet his happy ending someday. 

Yet, due to his very poor health, his recovery was not at all easy and took a very long time. Besides, after everything he had been through, his emotional state wasn’t any better either, and it took him a long time to fully trust humans again. 

Fortunately for Chester and those who cared for him, after 11 months of intensive recovery, he was a new dog – smiling, full of love for his saviors and his favorite toys, and soon ready for adoption. 

dog and roses
Source: Euclid Pet Pals

Although he had to wait more than an additional half a year for that moment, he could not have dreamed how solemn it would be.

Dreams Do Come True

happy black dog in a car sitting
Source: Euclid Pet Pals

Spending two years in a shelter isn’t easy, but it was actually a blessing for Chester after everything he’d been through. However, just like any other dog, he dreamed of a warm home and a loving family that would never betray him like his previous owner did.

The wait was ultimately worth it, and Chester finally met his happy ending. On March 3, 2024, Euclid Pet Pals announced the happiest of news in a Facebook post


However, the way Chester went from the shelter in Euclid, Ohio to his forever home overshadowed all other events. On that day, a luxury limousine came to pick him up, and many people gathered at the entrance of the shelter to give him a standing ovation.

Lauren Reitsman, his new Mom, was over the moon because of the ceremony they had arranged for him, and Brickman herself couldn’t hide her delight either.  

“Your story touched thousands, Chester, and I was privileged to be the one to narrate your journey from the shelter to this moment,” Brickman wrote in her Facebook post

Once the limousine pulled up in front of his forever home, Chester’s new life could begin. His mom loved him with all her heart and did everything to always keep the beautiful smile on his face. Chester will never be left alone again.

fat woman and dog
Source: Euclid Pet Pals

Besides melting many hearts with his touching life story, this dog also showed that dreams do come true, and he became a model to many others who still dream of their own luxury limousine.

“You’ve become a beacon for all those dogs still waiting in shelters, showing them that their perfect home is out there, waiting,” Brickman wrote in the end.

Woman Adopts Dog From Tennessee Shelter, Only To Be Shocked By A Big Surprise

Woman Adopts Dog From Tennessee Shelter, Only To Be Shocked By A Big Surprise

There is no better feeling in the whole world than adopting a pup in need of help. 

Walking inside a shelter, seeing all those adorable faces, and taking one home so that they could live the best life possible by your side is truly incredible. 

And, that’s exactly what Haley Houghmaster decided to do. 

After looking at the pups in her local shelter in Memphis, she absolutely fell in love with a sweet Australian Shepherd/border collie mix named Salem. Since she was only looking to adopt one pup, she signed all the paperwork and took the dog home. 

But, what she didn’t realize was that another puppy was hiding close by. 

The Cutest Surprise

dog on the couch
Source: Reddit

After giving her some time to adjust to her new surroundings, Houghmaster took Salem to all the necessary vet appointments…one of them being a spray appointment. 

After the vets put her under anesthesia and made the initial incision, they found out something that absolutely shocked them – Salem was heavily pregnant.

“Found out at spay appt [appointment] that my new rescue dog is pregnant with one puppy,” she wrote on a Reddit post

ultrasound of dogs woumb
Source: Reddit

The vets informed Houghmaster of the situation and asked her if she wanted to abort. Knowing the risks that the procedure had on Salem’s wellbeing, and the fact that it was only one puppy, she chose to keep it. 

“We are very excited and praying for a healthy puppy and an uneventful delivery,” Houghmaster said in an interview.

Just a week after finding out this adorable news, Salem gave birth to the cutest little puppy ever

dog breastfeeding newborn puppy
Source: Reddit

Ever since, the owners have been taking good care of the little family, providing them with everything they could ever need from a warm home and yummy food to all the love they could ever dream for. 

Single-Puppy Pregnancy 

Single-puppy pregnancy, also known as singleton pregnancy, is an instance where a dog becomes pregnant with only one puppy. 

Even though this is quite uncommon, it is not impossible. There are several causes of singleton pregnancy, including low ovulation count…the instance where the dog may have released only one viable eff during her heat cycle. 

Another cause can be if the pup deals with fertilization issues or has a certain genetic condition

There are also risks that need to be taken into consideration. 

These risks include dystocia, the single puppy growing too large for natural delivery, and delayed labor due to insufficient hormonal triggers. Additionally, the lack of littermates may affect the puppy’s social development, requiring early intervention and socialization from the owners. 

So, while singleton pregnancy can be quite simple, there are some facts you need to take into consideration if you find yourself in this position. 

Overall, the best plan of action will always be to consult your vet!

Tears As Kansas Shelter’s Longest Resident, Symbolically Named ‘Grandma,’ Gets Her First Visitor In A Long Time

Tears As Kansas Shelter’s Longest Resident, Symbolically Named ‘Grandma,’ Gets Her First Visitor In A Long Time

The shelter is not an ideal place for dogs, and every true dog lover knows this. Unfortunately, kennels are often full of desperate canines who struggle to live fulfilling lives in such dark and cold environments.

It is heartbreaking to see any dog in a shelter, but it is especially tragic for senior dogs who have been surrendered and are forced to spend their golden years there.

For these dogs, the situation is particularly challenging because most people prefer younger pups and puppies, often overlooking older ones.

The reaction of the shelter’s longest resident to a visitor one day beautifully illustrates how much love means to these poor furry souls.  

“I’m Not Crying…”

A dog cuddles with a girl at a shelter
Source: @jcanimalshelter

Many dogs have passed through the Junction City Shelter in Kansas and many heartbreaking stories have been told. However, one situation with a senior dog is truly sad.

Namely, the senior Boxer Pit Bull mix with the symbolic name ‘Grandma’ recently became the shelter’s longest resident. Since no one wants her and everyone bypasses her kennel, the shelter staff decided to show how much people and their love really mean to this dog.

They shared the video with their TikTok followers via their account, @jcanimalshelter, and made many hearts cry. 

It can clearly be seen in the video how excited Grandma is when she has someone by her side after so much time being ignored by everyone.

The caption reads: “Im not crying… you’re crying.”

This video attracted a lot of attention and made many hearts cry. 

“Praying for this sweet senior! They’re the best🤍🤍🤍,” one user wrote, while the other added: “Boost for the Grandma♥️🐾 Someone needs this senior 🐶 ♥️.”

The third wrote: “Grandma! You’re gonna find your safe space soon, baby! ✨”

Heartbreaking Reality

black and white dog in the shelter
Source: @jcanimalshelter

Grandma is almost 10 years old and she became the shelter’s longest resident on November 2, 2024, after her previous owner surrendered her a year ago. 

In those 365 days, there wasn’t almost any interest in this poor senior dog and that is the heartbreaking reality. 

Unfortunately, her age contributed the most to this, but also her breed, which many consider unadoptable. Besides that, she is also required to be the only dog in the house because she does not like other canines or cats. 

All of this led to this sad situation, which prompted the people at the Junction City Kansas Shelter to share the TikTok video. However, the good news is that nothing managed to break Grandma’s spirit and she still has the energy and will to live. That’s why the shelter staff still has hope.

“She loves to curl up under blankets, sniff around to find tasty treats, and sunbathe. She is best in a home with no other animals because she is a Queen!” they wrote in a Facebook post“Consider this sweet old lady!”

Woman Running With Her Dogs In North Carolina Shocked By Strange Sight On The Road

Woman Running With Her Dogs In North Carolina Shocked By Strange Sight On The Road

Ali Tisdall lives on a farm in Spring Creek, a small community located in Madison County, North Carolina, and cares for many animals. 

Although she is an animal lover in general, dogs have a special place in her heart. That is the main reason why she started a rescue organization for dogs who needed help in this specific area. 

That organization soon emerged into something bigger as she opened an online shop for farmers and farm enthusiasts, under the name Pretty Sweet Acres

However, the most interesting part of this project was born soon after she brought goats to her farm. 

“What Is Happening!?”

dogs running after woman
Source: @prettysweetacres

Many of the dogs this big-hearted woman saved in Spring Creek became her foster fails, so now she has many furry friends with whom she can spend her free time. 

Just one day, she went running with her dogs on the country road, and it seemed that nothing could surprise them. 

woman with two dogs and a goat
Source: Ali Tisdall

However, then something happened that completely shocked this woman — when she turned around, she saw her three goats running after her and her dogs

Ali couldn’t resist recording this incredible scene and posted the video on her Instagram profile, @prettysweetacres. 

“I guess I run with goats now 🐐,” she wrote in the caption of the video. 

In the video itself, we can hear Ali saying, “My goats won’t stop following me, you gotta be kidding,” but still she continues to run with them and somewhat even enjoy this completely new experience. 

dogs and goats running
Source: @prettysweetacres

On their route, numerous animals come out to the fence and greet them, while on the other side, astonished drivers pass them in a wide arc, asking themselves, “What is happening here!?”

In the end, when they all reach the finish line together, Ali realizes that this was actually one of the best experiences of her life. 

Goat Run Club

woman surrounded with dogs and goats
Source: Ali Tisdall

Many drivers who were passing by in their cars in Madison County, North Carolina that day, could see with their own eyes this unbelievable scene. 

However, since Ali shared the video with her followers, many other people from all around the world had the honor to witness it. The video itself attracted a lot of attention and there were many comments. 

“This is hilarious 😂,” one user wrote, while the other added: “The dogs are wondering why the goats get to be off leash 😂.”

“This is the only run club I want to be a part of,” another user wrote. 

Actually, just because of her incredible goats, Ali founded the Goat Run Club — the most interesting part of Pretty Sweet Acres. Although there may not have been many interested people until now, we are sure that after watching this video everyone will want to run with goats. 

Vets From California Noticed Something Was Wrong With This Puppy Only To Learn What Was Really Going On

Vets From California Noticed Something Was Wrong With This Puppy Only To Learn What Was Really Going On

After being surrendered by her owners, who were no longer able to afford her medical bills, a pup named Grace had no idea what the future held for her.

Since she was quite sick and didn’t have a diagnosis, Grace’s only hope was to find a loving family who was ready to do anything to figure out what was wrong with her.

Luckily, The Animal Pad, an all-breed, non-profit dog rescue in San Diego, California, got in touch with the pawfect family.

Easy Does It

puppy sitting on the floor
Source: @lovesoflife

The first night spent in her new California home with all those strange faces wasn’t easy for Grace.

She had absolutely no energy and spent most of her nights cuddled up in a pile of blankets, whimpering and whining. This was her way of telling the kind people that something was off.

“We were up all throughout the night with her. She was incredibly underweight.” Katie told The Dodo.

No matter how hard they tried to feed her, Grace simply wasn’t interested. However, whenever she did grab a small bite of food, the family was absolutely overjoyed.

They cheered her on with every small bite, hoping that the next one would be even bigger.

woman carrying a dog
Source: @lovesoflife

“Whenever she would wag her tail, which was rare, she just made our day,” she added.

Coming Out Of The Shell

As time went by, the loving and happy environment really did make Grace feel so much better. She started acting like a puppy again!

At first, however, she would only play with her family while lying down. But after getting tons of encouragement from her family, she started running!

The whole time she was at her foster’s, Grace had regular vet visits. Everybody around her was determined to find out what was really happening.

After countless tests, the medical staff reached a breakthrough. They found out that Grace’s breeders hadn’t vaccinated her. She also had distemper, a serious neurological disease.  

Even though she is finally a happy and healthy pup, because of this neglect, Grace will have some long-term effects that will follow her for life.

“She had a little bobbing, ticking head that is pretty constant, and she’ll live with that,” she said.

puppy lying on woman
Source: @lovesoflife

A Foster Failure

While spending so much time with Grace, watching her grow into a beautiful pup, her foster family just couldn’t see themselves parting ways with her.  

“We really went through something together. Me and my family were by her side getting her through these lows. So, seeing her just be a happy dog full of life now is incredibly rewarding, and I just adore her,” Katie added.

three dogs sitting on a wooden deck
Source: @lovesoflife

Adopting this sweet girl was the best and easiest decision her family ever made.

Fast forward to today and Gracie is living the most perfect life ever. She is spending her days with the best people ever, having adorable playdates, the coziest naps, and the yummiest treats.

What more could a pup want?!

Rescuers Found This Abandoned Pup On A Bench In Illinois Waiting For His Owners To Come Back

Rescuers Found This Abandoned Pup On A Bench In Illinois Waiting For His Owners To Come Back

In an instant, the life of this sweet Pittie was turned upside down. His owners dumped him and he didn’t know where to go.

Trying to keep warm, the malnourished pup, later named Parker, curled up on a park bench.

With all his heart, he hoped that everything was just a nightmare from which he would soon wake up.

Fortunately, a Good Samaritan noticed Parker. They felt heartbroken to see him trembling with cold and they knew they had to help him.

Feeling Hopeful

dog sleeping on outdoor bench
Source: One Tail at a Time

It was evident that Parker had lived on his own for a while. He was malnourished and his skin was sore and patchy.

The good human rushed him to Chicago Animal Care and Control

He didn’t have a collar or a microchip and he was put on a stray hold.

dog in cage
Source: One Tail at a Time

The picture of Parker waiting for his family on the bench started spreading on the internet and it pulled at the heartstrings of many people.

As soon as the rescuers at One Tail at a Time, a rescue in Chicago, Illinois, saw the doggo’s photo, they decided to take him under their care. 

They were determined to give him a second shot at happiness.

“For so many dogs that could be the end … but not for Parker. Parker is about to learn what it means to be safe. To be loved. To be warm. To be healthy. And with any luck, to be adopted,” One Tail at a Time wrote on Facebook.

Once the dog’s stray hold expired and nobody claimed him, the rescue stepped in and pulled him from the shelter.

His rescuers took Parker to the vet where he was diagnosed with kennel cough. After he was prescribed the necessary medicine, the doggo moved to a foster home.

Recovering In A Loving Foster Home

dog holding tennis ball in mouth
Source: One Tail at a Time

His foster family was delighted with him. Since he was house-trained and great on the leash, they were pretty sure that he once had a family.

The pup felt grateful to his fosters for caring for him and showering him with love.

dog wearing pjs lying in his bed
Source: One Tail at a Time

Although he still hasn’t recovered from his kennel cough, Parker is doing everything he can to speed up his recovery process.

“He tolerates his baths and medicine well and loves to play. Parker is still active, and his foster calls him ‘a total goober.’ He loves napping on the couch (especially right by his foster’s legs), and doesn’t mind wearing jammies to help with his itchy skin,” Kimberly Thomas, the marketing manager for One Tail at a Time told The Dodo.

Parker has an affectionate personality and he loves people. His foster family is convinced that he will bring a lot of joy to his forever family. 

Before long, the lovely pup will begin searching for a permanent home.

dog lying in his bed
Source: One Tail at a Time

“Once his medicated baths and CRID medicine are completed, he will be scheduled for a neuter surgery and then become adoptable,” Thomas added.

I have absolutely no doubts that a lovely dog like Parker will soon get the happy ending that he deserves. 

The Tiniest Pup Dumped In The Middle Of The Road Begs People For Help

The Tiniest Pup Dumped In The Middle Of The Road Begs People For Help

Not every pup knows where its next meal is coming from.

In a world filled with stories of abandonment, thousands of canines start each day struggling to find at least a small piece of food to meet their daily needs.

Saka’s story began exactly like that.

At only a couple of weeks old, he was abandoned in the middle of the road. Alone, scared, and hungry, he roamed the area, crying loudly until someone eventually heard his heartbreaking plea.

He Struggled To Survive

a little puppy is standing on the road
Source: The Moho 

A long-time cyclist dedicated his life to rescuing dogs. In his adventures, he has helped many canines find forever homes, while two of them captivated his heart. 

Realizing that a bike wasn’t an appropriate vehicle for life-saving types of adventures, he replaced it with a van. What he didn’t know at the time was that one more puppy awaited him – and that puppy was Saka!

sad puppy on the road
Source: The Moho 

He was on his daily ride with his two furry buddies when a small lump of fur appeared ahead of him. As he took a closer look, he realized it was a puppy. 

Saka, who was just the tiniest furball at the time, struggled to walk. He barely took a few steps toward the man, crying loudly and begging for help.

His fear of the unknown was long replaced by the need for food – and he decided to put all his trust in the hooman. As it turned out – his plea was heard loud and clear!

Here Comes The First Meal

the puppy eats from a plastic bowl
Source: The Moho 

The man was heartbroken by Saka’s condition. Right away, he knew that this little boi hadn’t had a proper meal in days. He immediately pulled milk and some dry food out of his van, and Saka couldn’t have been happier. He instantly devoured an entire bowl. 

The next thing he knew, he was getting into the van and spending the whole night with his unexpected crew. Exhausted and weak, he fell asleep next to his new buddies right away.

The man knew he couldn’t leave Saka in the middle of nowhere – and quite frankly, he didn’t want to. This gorgeous pup had stolen his heart from the first moment he saw him, which is why he decided to take him in for good!

cute puppy with a collar
Source: The Moho 

The very next morning, Saka was subjected to a vet exam. Aside from malnourishment, he was diagnosed with mites, which resulted in him losing most of his fur.

For the next two months, Saka spent time in his new home, taking meds and recovering from his condition. In the meantime, he was learning how to be a dog alongside his new furry siblings.

To everyone’s excitement – he did amazingly well!

portrait of a puppy with its tongue out
Source: The Moho 

Thanks to his hooman rescuer and his two doggo buddies, he transformed into a real lovebug.

Saka absolutely loved everything about his new life. He was eager to learn and play, and even though he wasn’t fully recovered, he couldn’t wait for each new adventure.

Saka’s Home Isn’t Just In The House

a man on a mountain gives water to dogs from his hand
Source: The Moho 

Exactly two-and-a-half months was enough for Saka to fully blossom into a brand-new dog. His fur grew back, now in a fashionable manner, and he was ready to take on the world with paws and heart wide open!

And, the best thing was – he got to meet all these exciting people on his trips!

For Saka and his family, their home isn’t just house-based, but basically everywhere they go.

three trained dogs
Source: The Moho 

They take on many exciting trips in their van, exploring the world around them and creating memories for a lifetime.

Thanks to the man who gave him a new chance at life, Saka’s now a full-time adventurer, a lover, and a companion. But, most of all, he’s a happy dog!

Sorrowful Pup Returned To The Californian Shelter Several Times Can’t Understand Why No One Wants Him

Sorrowful Pup Returned To The Californian Shelter Several Times Can’t Understand Why No One Wants Him

Even though it may not seem like it, being a pup is no easy job. 

This is especially true for those dogs who are less fortunate. Some of them are forced to live out their days on the harsh and cold streets, while others go to stressful shelters. 

And even though the shelter staff tries their best to help their furry friends be as comfortable as possible, they can only do so much. Because animal shelters can be loud and overwhelming, many animals tend to feel so anxious that they even develop depression. 

That’s exactly what’s happening to Rascal. 

Is There Something Wrong With Me?

brown dog in a cage
Source: Tiktok

After being abandoned by an Orange County rescue at a boarding facility in Rowland Heights, California, Rascal has had a tough time

For the past two years, he has been living in a kennel, dreaming of the day a loving family would notice him and take him to his new home. Unfortunately, no such thing happened.

Because of limited options, the Californian shelter made plans to send Rascal with other pups to a local shelter, where his future would definitely be uncertain

Luckily, Samantha Redline established a nonprofit dedicated to the rescue and care of neglected animals, Kennel Eviction Rescue (KER). She took in Rascal and has been working tirelessly to find him a forever home. 

dog looks out the window while riding in a car
Source: Tiktok

Easy Does It 

After just a couple of days, one woman noticed Rascal and began working with him. They even had a couple of home introductions along with a professional trainer. 

“Everything seemed to be going good at first, she was working a crate training schedule and had even bought him a flirt pole to get some energy out as well,” Redline said in an interview.

The home was absolutely perfect for him. The woman even took the pup for a hike and they spent an entire day together. Unfortunately, Rascals’ world would come crashing down after the KER received a message from the adopter stating that she simply did not have time for him

“It all surprised us because Rascal settles better than any of our other dogs and likes to sit with you. He can be really playful and likes to chase toys especially on the flirt pole but gets less interested in toys by themselves. He’s a great hiking partner and walks really well. He makes a good companion in general,” she said. 

brown dog in the car
Source: Tiktok

Ever since he was returned back to the shelter, Rascal hasn’t been able to shake off the feeling of disappointment. He spent his first day pacing around his kennel, as if he was waiting for somebody to pick him up. 

He even started barking, which he never did before. 

Hoping to help find a forever home for this sweet boy once and for all, the shelter took to their TikTok page and shared his story. 

“Rascal needs a home preferably with no other animals or just caged animals like reptiles or bunnies. He does well with men and women but definitely needs someone with patience. He’s 6 years old, which is a bit older, so he’s not super active but definitely needs playtime and to be walked everyday,” she stated. 

So, if anybody is looking for a little bundle of joy to fill their home with fun and laughter, feel free to contact the Kennel Eviction Rescue for more information. 

Malnourished Puppy Who Showed Up At A Woman’s Porch, Pleading For Help, Hopes To Find A Loving Family

Malnourished Puppy Who Showed Up At A Woman’s Porch, Pleading For Help, Hopes To Find A Loving Family

All puppies should have humans who treasure them and who do their best to make them happy.

Sadly, too many canines experience abuse from the very people who made a commitment to take care of them and love them forever.

Lotte was a five-month-old puppy whose heart became overwhelmed with sadness. Instead of living a happy life filled with tail wags and laughter, the little canine got hurt and mistreated.

Despite being terribly treated by her ruthless owners, Lotte still believed in human kindness and she started looking for help.

The pup, who barely had any strength left in her malnourished body, dragged her tired paws and curled up on a woman’s porch in Texas.

A Good Human Helps Lotte

starved dog tied
Source: Austin Pets Alive!

When the good woman saw the puppy, later named Lotte, and her terrible state, she felt devastated. Apart from being emaciated, the furbaby had a severe case of mange.

The good human tried to feed Lotte, but she refused to eat. 

Deeply concerned for her well-being, the compassionate woman took the puppy to Austin Pets Alive, an animal shelter.

Once the woman brought Lotte to the shelter at 6 a.m., she met Rene, one of the shelter’s volunteers, and asked him to take the puppy in.

Rene was deeply saddened by the puppy’s condition, which was proof of the neglect she endured.

“Starved. Covered in mange. And marks around her mouth that look hauntingly like it had been taped shut or potentially muzzled for an excessive amount of time,“ the Austin shelter wrote in a Facebook post.

Although Austin Pets Alive wasn’t an intake shelter, the woman insisted that Rene take Lotte under their care.

The heartbroken volunteer held out his hand to Lotte, wishing to reassure her that she was not on her own anymore.

Lotte trusted him and she seemed to melt with gratitude. 

The Pup Feels Grateful

poor starved dog in cage
Source: Austin Pets Alive!

The kind man placed Lotte in a kennel and took care of her. He needed to talk to the shelter staff in order to see what they could do to help Lotte.

When the staff saw the neglected puppy for the first time, their hearts sank. They didn’t know her backstory, but sadly, the puppy’s condition spoke for itself.

“It is hard to know the full picture of her history, but we believe—because of the time it takes for mange to worsen, emaciation to occur, and her reluctance to eat—that she was neglected or abused,” Luis Sanchez, the director of public relations and communications at Austin Pets Alive, told Newsweek.

The staff assumes that Lotte found herself on a stranger’s porch after she escaped from her abusive owners.

The medical team gave the furbaby urgent medical attention. They began treating her skin and pampering her with care.

rescued dog laying still with food and toy
Source: Austin Pets Alive!

Lotte’s caregivers did their best to cheer her up and help her forget her sad past.

Despite everything that Lotte endured at the hands of cruel people, she captivated the staff with her sweet character. 

She looked at them with love-filled eyes and felt grateful to them for giving her a helping hand.

dog with big ears sitting on grass
Source: Austin Pets Alive! via Newsweek

The pooch began feeling better, but she still needed some time in order to recover completely.

As soon as the puppy’s caregivers nurse Lotte back to health, she will start looking for a wonderful foster home or forever home.

The adorable puppy needs humans who will give her all their love and show her how beautiful life can be.

Si.ck Calf lies Alone on the Ground until a Dog comes to Help!


Dogs do wonderful things to the heart of people and other animals.

Animals are soo smart and caring and consoling!! 
So sweet animals can give so much  love to you!
No love like the love from a dog! They have a inate Quality to give love!  A little Bit of Love can change everything 

In 2020, the Gentle Barn, founded by Ellie Laks and Jay Weiner, adopted a calf, who had just become an orp.han. They rescued orp.haned calf from a slaughterhouse where his mother [di.ed]. He was only a week old. They named him John Lewis Thunderheart because he was also a fighter.

Ellie share: When Lewis arrived at The Gentle Barn, he wasn’t in the best of health. He had [se.vere pne.umo.nia]. He had loud, raspy breathing. He had a deep cough. He had an extremely high temperature.

Animals sense, so much better than humans 

Because of the stressful environment he was born in, Lewis did not get enough colostrum to build a stronger [immune] system. That’s why when he contracted [pne.umonia], he [fo.ug.ht] for his life.
They knew he wouldn’t be able to survive living in the barn so they brought him inside their air-conditioned home.

He needed a clean and cool environment and this way, they’ll be able to look after him 24/7.
There was also another animal who lived inside the house who would turn out to be such a big blessing for Lewis. His name is Sky.

Animals have such compassion 

The Gentle Barn adopted Sky from his previous owner who couldn’t keep up with his energy level. They weren’t supposed to adopt him but they discovered that Sky was a great therapy dog. He makes people laugh, he can soften the hearts of people with anger issues, and he’s able to calm those who are nervous.

Ellie described: That’s why he was the perfect companion for Lewis while he he.aled. Sky protected him, soothed him, and would lay down right next to him and curl up beside him. We just kept pouring love and comfort into him until he slowly began to heal.

Sky the therapy dog was one of the keys to Lewis’ quick healing. 

When Lewis was strong enough to go outside, that’s when they saw Lewis and Sky had formed a strong relationship. They run all over the yard and tussle. Sky is very mouthy like a puppy and Lewis wonky like a cow, but somehow they make it work and understand each other.
When they brought in Lewis, he was only 50lbs at a week old. Now, he’s two years old and weighs more than a thousand pounds. He’s now much, much bigger than Sky.

Sometimes animals care more than humans! ♥️

They’re not as physical anymore with each other because they know there’s a big weight difference between the two of them. But it doesn’t stop them from showing their love for each other.
Ellie share of their relationship: Lewis will lay down on the ground and Sky will be all over him. He’ll lick Lewis and lay down beside him.
To us, we see a dog and cow. But to John Lewis and Sky, they just see friends, they see family, they see love.

Border Collie dogs are loving and gentle , how beautiful is nature with calm animals 
This is so precious and beautiful animals are very smart and caring.