The sweetest kitty, Bama, depended on the kindness of strangers outside a Bronx laundromat. She was struggling every day but was the sweetest cat you’ve ever seen, regardless. Outside the laundry, she greeted folks coming inside, a cute little ray of feline sunshine. In the doorway, a kind woman, also struggling, kept Bama alive with scraps purchased with the small change people gave her for opening the door.
Somehow, Bama’s tail was amputated, perhaps in that door, and it was left with an infected, bloody stump. At only ten months old, she was really only a kitten herself but had already given birth to two litters. Sadly, none of her kittens made it due to lack of nutrition. Her tummy was bloated, unusual for a cat so young. But as we see every day, she was nothing but loving no matter what!
Rescuers pets Bama on the noggin. Images and video via Facebook/Little Wanderers NYC
Rescuers Could Hardly Believe Bama Survived
When rescuers from Little Wanderers NYC found Bama, they couldn’t believe she had managed to survive outside. She was as friendly as could be even after enduring so much pain. But those struggles were finally over when they arrived at the laundromat over the summer.
“This cat is just the sweetest girl-we can barely believe she has been outside like this and survived. She will need surgery soon,” they shared.
You can see that Bama was scared but her her worries were all behind her.
Bama Makes Biscuits in Her Very First Bed
As sweet as Bama was, she’d never had her own soft, warm cat bed before. But that changed and she made biscuits inside a new bed. Her fosterers helped her gain weight and recover her strength for her ongoing veterinary care, a tail amputation and spaying. Safe inside, she blossomed into the playful kitten she had never been able to be before!
“This is the first bed this girl has ever seen. And she’s beginning to blossom being inside. She’s full-on kitten even going after toilet paper and balls. She could NOT be happier to be inside and we love this cat with all our hearts,” Little Wanderers shared.
In late September, Bama came through the critical tail surgery with flying colors. She fully recovered and was ready to begin a new chapter with a loving family. She was more than ready to lavish her family with love.
“Beautiful Bama had a full tail amputation today at the Animal Medical Center. A huge thank you to the AMC to the rescue fund for their incredible help with this critical surgery. Bama is the most wonderful young cat-and that’s saying something because we’ve met a lot of cats!” they shared.
The Fairy-Tale Ending She Deserved
The next month, the rescue shared the wonderful news, a ‘fairy tale ending’ for the kitty who lost her tail. She got a big upgrade on her bed and lives the pampered life of a Queen as she so deserves.
“After a tail amputation and spay, thanks to the AMC to the rescue fund, she is fully healed and has been adopted. She now lives in Oyster Bay, far away from her Bronx beginnings, and sleeps on 1000 thread count sheets, and loves her two daddies and their lovely home. She especially loves her soft cushy, King-sized bed. They recently lost their cat, who also had a tail amputation and was a rescue who had also birthed several litters. Bama’s adoption was kismet,” Little Wanderers NYC shared.
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“There were many people who helped Bama along the way and we thank you all. She truly has had a fairy tale ending, thanks to all of you!” they wrote.