Biggie Smalls Rules The Big House With His Oversized Heart and Shrinking Body


It’s about time the world realize that “fat cats” are not cute, they are suffering. And they need specialized help to lose weight slowly and safely. That’s exactly what Biggie Smalls and The Big House Sanctuary and Rehab are working towards. They know it’s not easy to do, but are providing cat parents all over the world with the steps to take. Because I guarantee, fat cat owners would prefer to have more years with their felines than chubby pictures of their passed on beloved companions. 

Biggie Smalls in The Big House 

Fortunately, this “big house” isn’t a punishment for it’s occupants. It’s a sanctuary where they can safely lose the extra pounds of weight, holding them back from their best life. Their mission statement? “A Sanctuary and Rehab for Mega Chonks, where Education and Second Chances meet.” And they have the cutest motivator who helped them want to inspire others to take up the mission; Biggie Smalls.

His real name is Axel, but for now he’s known to his growing fanbase as Biggie Smalls. The oversized ginger patched boy was surrendered by his original family after he gained the extra pounds. They knew they had to finally put him first and contacted the ProAnima animal rescuers. Freedom Drivers animal transporters joined the mission and helped Axel get to Ferdinand and Friends in Ottawa, Canada. Here, he could safely start to lose the unhealthy weight and get his life back in a foster home. It wasn’t long before he became a foster “fail”, his forever family starting The Big House sanctuary in his honor. 

On their website, you can find all the information you may need about “chonk” cats. From how to help determine if your cat is carrying extra weight to where and how to start the weight loss journey. ALWAYS consult your veterinarian before starting any weight management program with your felines. 

Axel, 7 years old at the time of his first weigh in on February 8th, 2024, registered at a whopping 43 pounds!

When they originally received his paperwork before meeting him, they thought the weight was written incorrectly as 19 kg instead of pounds. But nope, this ginger boy was so big his “fluff” hung over the sides of the scale!

Slowly and surely, he is dropping the extra weight and taking important steps to reach his purrfect weight. Even small everyday tasks are hard at his size. Regular litter boxes have sides that are too high for him to lift his legs over. And as he became more mobile, he can made it downstairs in his foster home but he can’t climb back up and must be carried.

The family found that an oil pan is a purrfect litter box! Low sides and wide size for Axel make it so much easier. 

Throughout it all, he is remaining happy and loves his new life. His story has now become widely known and locals can even visit him at fundraising events on occasion. Lucky! The family still fosters kittens and Biggie Smalls is happy to show the littles how to cat, which also helps him get exercise too. Using the attention that he has brought to help “paw it forward” is an amazing mission. 

Biggie Smalls Favorite Heating Pad

For 2025, he even starred in his own calendar! With his calm demeanor and chill attitude, he’s one of the cats who seems to be comforted by wearing clothes occasionally. And oh my is he adorable. It was quite a task just to limit the photos used in this article. So if you want to get lost in his lovey eyes, be sure to follow him on social media

Biggie Valentines Day Calendar 2025

Biggies Deli

Snowman Biggie

Biggie Smalls gets smaller day by day.

At the time of this writing, Axel’s weight is at a healthy 28.90lbs; amazing! It’s so important to take weight loss in cats seriously. They aren’t that large to begin with so to have the extra stress on their tiny bodies is heartbreaking to see. It’s up to us as dedicated cat servants to make the time to care for these creatures that depend on us. Because what we get in return is so much more than a healthy companion. 

TV Time with moms!

But just remember, you don’t mess with Biggie’s nom noms…wink wink.

Biggie Smalls with his stack of Purina Sponsored diet foods

All Photos / Video Propery of The Big House Sanctuary & Rehab


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