A cat retired from fatherhood after being rescued from a farm and started caring for other kittens in need.

A family who took in stray or abandoned cats at their farm soon found themselves overwhelmed, unable to provide the care the cats needed.
Julie, a animal rescuer, learned about the situation and stepped in to help. With the support of her rescue, Chatons Orphelins Montreal, she began rescuing the animals one by one.
Among them was a black-and-white tomcat who spent most of his time perched at the top window of the barn. He was likely the father of several litters of kittens.

“This big tomcat was injured, so Julie set up a humane trap to safely capture him. He went in quickly because he was very hungry,” Celine of Chatons Orphelins Montreal shared.
They rushed the cat to the vet, where he was treated for his wound and received all the necessary care. “Though he was withdrawn, keeping his head down, he allowed people to pet and care for him.”

After undergoing a dental procedure, treating an eye infection, and removing all the matted fur, the cat named Achille (formerly Koco) began to regain his strength and spark. He could finally open his eyes now that they had healed.
With good food readily available and plenty of clean, cozy blankets, he quickly grew fond of his new life in foster care.

Achille, estimated to be eight years old and likely the father of multiple litters, finally retired from the stray life and fatherhood. He loved staying close to his people, and his affection for other cats and kittens never faded.
“He is sweet and gentle, having come a long way since his days as a stray.”

“He enjoys peace and quiet and especially loves being cared for. With an emotionally dependent side, he seeks attention and is very affectionate. He is social, enjoys the company of other cats, and loves playing with younger ones.”
Foster kittens are immediately drawn to his laid-back personality, snuggling by his side and even nuzzling into his fur.

“Despite his hard life, he lives each day to the fullest, loving cuddles and craving affection like a baby.”
Achille doesn’t mind the rough-and-tumble from the foster kittens, happily letting them wrestle with him and tolerating their every antic. He even tries to micmic their playful spirit and keep up with their boundless energy.

He’s always delighted to offer a snuggle or be their nap buddy, basking in the warm sun by the window.
Even the shyest kitty finds comfort from Achille and begins to warm up to people by following his lead. His sweet, calming presence puts them at ease, reassuring them they are safe and loved.

“He has a unique appearance with his half-closed, sad eyes. His legs are short and fluffy, and he walks with a raccoon-like gait. He still enjoys napping by the window, just as he always has.”
“Every night, he climbs onto the bed to cuddle and watch movies with us, and he doesn’t hesitate to get on top of us for extra closeness.”

“He’s survived the worst as a stray, and it’s beautiful to see him transform into a happy prince.”
Over the last two years, Achille has helped many cats and kittens in foster care, and he’s won over the hearts of his foster family, now his forever family. “Adopting an adult cat who’s had a rough life is incredibly rewarding.”

Now, he goes everywhere with his human, even on errands to Home Depot. He helps other cats and kittens find joy and confidence and snuggles up with his favorite person every night.

Share this story with your friends. More on Chatons Orphelins Montreal and Achille’s foster friends on Instagram and Facebook.